Reflecting on the beginning of my 20s

The beginning of my 20s, not quite sure what I am even doing with my life currently. Everything feels stagnant, like my life is on a stand still. I understand that, I do not need to have everything figured out in this current juncture of my life but the feeling of not knowing. The feelingContinue reading “Reflecting on the beginning of my 20s”

See Me. See You… You are… My Reflection.

I stretch out my hand. Waiting for you to reach out to me. Waiting for you to pull me out of this ditch. Can you not see the pain and sorrow within your eyes? Look at me when I am talking to you! Hear my shout! See my tears… In this ocean of self pity,Continue reading “See Me. See You… You are… My Reflection.”

Note to self

Finding happiness within yourself is probably the hardest thing one can achieve in this world. The saying is true that we are our own’s biggest critics. Everyday it’s either we find something to love about yourself or something new to criticise yourself on. Sometimes you not happy with yourself and where you headed in life.Continue reading “Note to self”

A Rose and Thorns

Silly of me to let you share my light, Instead of coexisting I tried to shine brighter than you, while you were in my orbit Selfishness is the name of my guilt, of seeing you slowly drowning in your soil of sorrows I was blinded by your petals, that I did not notice the darknessContinue reading “A Rose and Thorns”

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